Thursday 14 May 2015

Wed 13th wet and windy.

The only crib I had about Hotelix Mona was no kettle to make myself a brew, however, by playing the "But I'm old" card the very nice receptionist would make me a cuppa.  So breakfast that morning was a muesli bar and a cup of tea, the plan, to grab a bite on route to Sztutowo.

A three Km ride along a busy road to find my junction taped off and a bunch of road works signs spread across the way.  About turn and back to where I'd seen another sign to Rybina which was on my route.

Seven Km of brand new road and cycle way took me past a mega shopping centre and several new office / factory premises; now out in the country I was thinking "There's not much traffic about considering it's a brand new road", and then it all became clear; the road is to be completed by 2017 when it looks as though the next fist full of Euro Money gets handed over!!  The road ended in a big blob of asphalt with lots of angry looking tyre marks on it; either 'boy racers' or other plonkers who were getting nowhere fast!!

Back to the closed road, snap the tape and tie it off to a road works sign and shove my bike over the broken road surface.  Over the rise I could see the workings only went on for a couple of hundred metres.

Passing one of the work crews a guy rattled off some high speed Polish pointing at where I'd come from; having not understood a word my reply was "Great" gave him a 'thumbs up' "I'm just going down there to Gdansk".  I looked away and kept going, ducked the tape at the other end and pedalled off.

The sky was becoming exceedingly black and I could see the rain squalls coming from the west.  As the first squall started blowing up I was on the lookout for a tree to shelter under while I got my waterproofs on; yes, there it was, a bus shelter!  bike and self under cover, over trousers and jacket on I was back out in the tail end of that squall knowing there were more coming.

A Polish Tulip field pre first squall.

That was the sum total of pictures for the day!  There were vast fields of Oil Seed Rape, trees and some big water-ways but one place I had on my list to stop at was Stutthof, a concentration camp set up in 1943 and not liberated until 1945.  Over 110,000 were detained there and around 80,000 died there.

I took this off the interweb because the gates are no longer there and the others because the weather was foul

This is now the museum, the black huts are the original prisoner barracks with the administration block in the background

The Memorial.

And so onwards to Sztutowo.

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