Thursday 28 May 2015

Cross into Germany tomorrow (Fri 29th).

Germany's going to be country No 8, should really be nine nein?


The last couple of days have involved a lot of off road stuff which has added interest to say the least!

The 26th started so well; 10km of moderately busy road, then a quick view from Dabki looking over the Jezioro Bukowo.  Another big lake separated from the Baltic by a narrow spit. 

The off road even started with a bit of paved stuff just to make you think it's not going to be that bad after all.

Then it all started to get a bit 'orrible!!

Shoes full of sand, mozzies biting, I was not a happy bunny!!

Nice view of the Baltic and the breeze cleared the mozzies.  It was about a 7 metre drop to the beach!

Down to the wee track in mosquito heaven!!

Track gone, dragged bike back up the dunes and aiming for the beach.

Too soft to ride.  In all, pushed and dragged bike about 15km.

If only!!!

Latarnia Gaski,  it meant only another 8km to go today!!

Into Ustronie Morskie and found a cheap room, more soup and noodles!  Breakfast was a cup of green tea and a banana.  You really appreciate the coffee and cake when you can get it!

Wednesday 27th.  Off just after eight and onto a great cycle trail along the coast for 12km to Kolobrzeg.

A great track, walkers only got the squinty bit on the right!

The last couple of km into Kolobrzeg.

The rest of the day was a mix of concrete slab road, reasonable forest trail and a long section of cobble stones (12km) through a big military area.

The Latarnia Morskie.

Crossing the bridge into Dziwnow.

Got into Dziwnow and found a B&B, 70 Zloty (about £15), the ground floor was a restaurant, bar and pizza parlour, well sorted for food!!

I had to have some pud!  Apple tart with a caramel topping, caramel sauce, nuts, peach and strawberries, and it tasted as good as it looks!!

Mr J and his mum, owners of the eatery and B&B.

Right across the road from my room!  When I arrived I could see the big metal frame work of a ship in the park over the road but it wasn't until I had a quick look out through the curtains that I saw this!! 

Thursday 28th.  A late start, I was packing my bike by the outdoor bit of the eatery when I heard English voices, it was two big guys in jeans and tee shirts.  "Hello guys, what brings you to a place like this?"  It turns out they are members of The Blue Angels, a world wide bikers club and they'd come over for this big rally in Poland.  Anyway, a bit of chat and it's time for me to be off, I've got a ferry to catch later.

The drawbridge over the outflow from Zwalew Kamienski.

And lastly for today my ferry ride over the Swina to Swinoujscie, a bit of Poland stuck between Germany and the river.

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