Sunday 5 April 2015

The Next Wee Bike Ride!

Some intricate route planning. A visit to Edinburgh to present my visa application form to the Russian Embassy, get fingerprinted and hand over a fist full of money then wait for a week to see if they thought I was a fit and proper person to visit their country!  Lo and behold, in the prescribed five working days I received a phone call to say that my passport was ready for collection.
Me, in a questioning sort of voice "Have I been granted a visa then?"
Sexy Russian voice at the other end in a "Why, is there something else we should know" kind of voice "Yes"

Four and a bit weeks of more serious sorting out, CLAN Creative Writing Group book launch, plumbing blockage (don't ask!!), collect grandson, go to Aviemore to meet up with youngest daughter's new husband and the following day March 30th I'm sat in Jim's shiny motor heading Aberdeen-wards.  A box full of bike and as much of my kit as I thought I could get away with stuffing into the box was in the back of the car.

The check-in at Dyce was like the weigh-in for a prize fight!  The bike box was too big to go through the check-in desk on to the scales so it was a case of loading it back on to the trolley, fighting back through the queue to the mega baggage scales, weigh in and be told "It's two point something kilos over the limit.  A bit of rapid unpacking and Jim asking the check-in girl if I could take two bits of hand luggage.  Bike box now a few kilos lighter, hand luggage doubled in size and weight!  Permission was granted for the extra hand baggage,  boarding pass issued, Parkinson tremor at full throttle; time for a coffee and bacon roll.

A goodbye and sincere thanks to Jim for driving me to the airport and I'm off to the boarding gate. 

Two hours later (Three by local time, Denmark is an hour ahead of UK) the plane is coming in to land passing The Bridge linking Copenhagen with Sweden.  Now I've only got eight hours to wait for my connecting flight to Aalborg!!

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